"Stick Pouches" is a global study of the stick pouch industry. This rapidly growing market will continue its stellar performance, growing 14% per year through 2017. Classic stick pouch products such as sugar and sugar substitutes will continue to provide the largest share of the stick pouch volume increases. Products such as nutraceuticals and liquid pharmaceuticals will provide new growth at high growth rates.
"Stick Pouches" includes assessments of industry participants, technology, economic and environmental impact, the stick pouch filling equipment market, the stick pouch packaging market, and detailed forecasts for many market segments.
What Sets this Study Apart?
> all of the latest stick pouch designs - consolidated and compared
> in-depth value chain AND life cycle study of ketchup packaging
> detailed end-use and geographic market segment analyses and forecasts
> accurate profiles of industry participants with content specific to stick pouches
> identification and illustration of emerging technology trends, including product processing techniques and advanced packaging materials